• The Scent Of Snowflowers (Paperback)

The Scent Of Snowflowers (Paperback)

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  • $9.50

It was 1943 and the war in Europe had all but bypassed Hungary. The effects of the war were felt, to be sure: all able-bodied males over 18 years of age had been drafted into slave-labor camps; food and fuel supplies were short; and for the first time in their lives, Jewish women went out to work. But for the most part, life went on in Budapest as it always had and the loyal Jewish citizens remained blissfully ignorant of the holocaust that raged on all sides.

Little more than a child when she married, Rivka Leah Klein found her beautiful, tranquil world torn apart by the War. This memoir, eloquently written and eminently compelling, takes the reader back in time, to an era of ruthlessness, terror, and devastation, while painting vivid lessons for life in faith and fortitude. An electrifying, stirring read.
ISBN 978-159826-792-1

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