• Be'er Hachasidut Volume 3 - באר החסידות על דרך מצותיך - חלק ג

Be'er Hachasidut Volume 3 - באר החסידות על דרך מצותיך - חלק ג

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  • $17.95

An elaborate commentary on 3 discourses from Derech Mitzvotecha, a popular work by R. Menachem Mendel, third Lubavitcher Rebbe, author of Tzemach Tzedek.

The commentary is authored by Rabbi Omer Halevi of Kfar Chabad, Israel, and it is based on the writings of the Chabad Rebbes and Chasidic mentors.

-Mekach Umemkar
-Issur Oina'ah
-Achdus Hashem
ISBN 978-0-8266-6016-9

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