My Felt Story - Exodus 23 Precut Felt Pieces

  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $32.50

A beautifully designed, interactive, felt set to tell, learn and play the story of Exodus. Felt stories allow your child's imagination run wild and gives them a way to participate in the story, making it come to life!

My Felt Story is a fantastic resource for educators, facilitating a dramatic and interactive story. The felt used in this product is 3mm thick, which makes it great to use with or without a felt board.

This set includes a story script with songs, as well as 23 high quality felt pieces. It includes four, large 7" characters: Moses, Pharoah, Slave and Egyptian Taskmaster. Also includes the 10 Plagues, a 'pyramid puzzle' to build, a sea that splits and Matzah dough to pack up and go! Perfect Passover gift.


  • 1. Use characters as puppets when telling the story. Example hold Pharoah and introduce him as per script. If you have a felt board you can place characters on it, otherwise you can lean them against any surface.
  •  2.Allow the children to use the pieces to retell the story using their own words.
  •  3.Children love the pieces and will play with them in many different ways.
  •  4.The whip is for the Egyptian taskmaster.
  •  5.The bricks build into a pyramid, with the largest brick at the bottom. 
  • 6.You can cut the bricks into smaller pieces to create a more challenging ‘pyramid puzzle’ for older children.
  •  7.The lice and boils are designed to be placed on your skin, to be used dramatically when telling the story.
  •  8.Plague ten is a door with blood on the ledge, showing that G-d passed over the Jewish homes during that plague and spared them.
  •  9.The water splits so the people can walk through. 
  • 10.The dough is to be placed in the Jewish man’s bag before he leaves Egypt.

 Happy storytelling! 23 felt pieces to tell, learn and play the story of Exodus! Includes story script and songs to sing

 Excellent for preschool educators, homeschooling moms and Seder props. Comes in an attractive box that stores like a book

Endless opportunities for fun, literacy based learning for ages 2+

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