• The Secret of the Yamim Nora'im

The Secret of the Yamim Nora'im

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None of the people standing on the deck know he is more than a simple child.

He may be small now, but a great future awaits him. In his hand, he holds a royal proclamation sealed with the king's stamp.

Only a pair of elderly villagers know this. They board the ship for only one reason; to rob the boy of the treasured scroll that testifies to his family lineage. They want him to believe he is an abandoned, homeless child.

If he would only take a peek at the scroll in his possession, he would be the captain of the ship. He would be able to sail it to his destination with surety. Even ruthless pirates wouldn't frighten him. And the ocean storms wouldn't scare him either.

This is a parable about this book of parables. This book is for children who are also princes or princesses. They aren't satisfied with pekelach to bring to shul on Yom Tov. They want to connect, to understand, to feel the secret of each Yom Tov.

They learn so much in school and yeshivah, but are not sure what it all means and how it relates to them. And the yetzer hara is like those scheming villagers, who will do anything to confuse the prince and block him from reaching his goal. 

Parents who yearn to see their child become the captain of his life's journey will also enjoy this book. Take the golden opportunity of the Yamim Nora'im to get closer to your child - and to Hashem.


Hardcover / 54 pages

ISBN 9781940884187
Publisher Z BERMAN

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