• The Rebbe's Emissary (Paperback)

The Rebbe's Emissary (Paperback)

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  • $21.00

Rabbi Dovid Bryn lived a very short life here on Earth; but somehow, in the little time allotted him, he managed to change the world... at least, the world of those who knew him. "Dovid" as he preferred to be called, was a Lubavitcher Chasid who moved to North Miami Beach, Florida, as a shaliach-an emissary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe-with the aim of increasing Jewish awareness, pride and activity. And in the course of just ten short years, managed to create something of a spiritual revolution in this small community through his irrepressible love, compassion and empathy. Though often severely ill (with complications from Marfan Syndrome), Dovid was nevertheless a tireless worker in the Rebbe's cause and a living lesson in selfless giving. According to Rabbi Dalfin, "He was a Chasid-Jew-and-human-being par excellence." So come discover for yourself the unique warmth, love and holiness of Rabbi Dovid Bryn.

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