• Mendy And The Golem Issue #19

Mendy And The Golem Issue #19

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  • $4.95

This issue of Mendy explores the concept of Simcha Shel Mitzvah, The joy and happiness that come from doing Hashem's Commandments.

On the surface, the idea of Simcha doesn't seem very difficult to understand. According to most people, happiness comes as a result of getting something: whether deserved like a reward, or undeserved like a gift. The Jewish concept of Simcha goes much deeper; it comes from the knowledge that whenever you do a Mitzvah, you're actually doing something that Hashem wants, and in that way creating a bond between the infinite Creator and finite human being. Therefore, a Jew can always have Simcha, no matter what!

By Highlighting the joy that comes from doing Torah and Mitzvos, we hope to show everyone how much fun it really is to be Jewish.

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