• The Art of Education

The Art of Education

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  • $37.95

The hallmark of the introspective psychology used in Kabbalah and Chassidut is that it is not only contemplative and descriptive, but also prescriptive and normative. When knowledge is framed according to the structural models of Kabbalah, it is exactly suited to the brain's neurological capacity so as to actually turn-on the mind, unlocking the treasure chest of talents and abilities that lie dormant within us, whether they are intellectual, emotional or behavioral. 

The seven skills of the accomplished educator discussed in this volume are structured according to the basic Kabbalistic model of the Sefirot (divine emanations of energy) in the manner pictured in the diagram on the right. 

In order to make full use of this model it is necessary that the educator invest time to contemplate its components until is fully understood. Once that has been achieved, the seven skills in their structured form become a neural key that can metaphoricallly be inserted into the mind and then used to unlock the inner educator within each of us. When preparing for any intyeraction with students it is essential to first quickly meditate on this model, its components and their interactions, as explained in this book.


Hardcover / 303 pages

ISBN 9789657146100

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