• Avnei Chein - History of the Chein Family Dynasty

Avnei Chein - History of the Chein Family Dynasty

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  • $26.50

Avnei Chein tells the story of the illustrious Chein family, which traces itself back to the Exilarchs of Babylon and the leaders of Spanish Jewry—the Shaltiel Gracian-Chein Family, among whom were leading halachic authorities and scholars of their time.

This tradition continued through recent times, with Rabbinic and Chasidic personalities. The prominent R. Peretz Chein merited seeing six of the seven Chabad Rebbes. His son, R. Dovid Tzvi Chein, was one of the greatest Chabad Chasidim. R. Mendel Chein, R. Gershon Chein, R. Meir Simchah Chein, R. Yehoshua Laine, and others whose biographical details come to light in this book, were Chasidim who expressed fiery devotion to the Rebbes of their time.

The Chabad Rebbes displayed a special affection for the Chein family, speaking of them at public gatherings, and sharing the stories preserved by their family.

A Timeline of the Shaltiel Gracian-Chein family and its relationship to the Exilarchs and the House of David, and a Chein Family Tree appear as an addendum.

Hardcover | 598 Pages

ISBN 9780826606808

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