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Search results for 'Step it up mat'


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  1. Covenant And Conversation: Leviticus

    Leviticus: The book of holiness

    ISBN 13: 9781592640225

  2. Metsudah Tehillim Full-size - New Edition

    Metsudah Tehillim Full-size - New Edition
  3. Book of Genesis with Commentary and Insights by 500 Sages and Mystics

    With Commentary and Insights from 500 Sages and Mystics

    by Yanki Tauber (Author), Baruch Gorkin (Illustrator)

  4. Chumash Bais Fraida Bereishis 2, Vayeitzei-Vayechi - חומש בית פרידא בראשית ב - ויצא-ויחי

    עם תרגום אונקלוס, רש"י, שפתי חכמים ופירוש צה"ר לתיב"ה על חומש בלשון יודיש המדוברת ופירוש בית פרידא על רש"י כולל פירוש רש"י באותיות מרובעות מנוקדות, מתורגם ללשון יודיש צח ומדויק, מקושט ומשופר בהוספות רבות וחשובות לתועלת הכנת המלמד והתלמיד כאשר עיניכם תחזינה מישרים הכל סודר והוגה מחדש באותיות בהירות מאירות עינים.

  5. Or HaChaim Bamidbar/Numbers Vol. 2: Chukas - Masei - Yaakov and Ilana Melohn Edition

    The Torah: With Or Hachaim's Commentary Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated

  6. Vedibarta Bam Bereshit (Hardcover)

    ISBN: 1881480148

  7. Lightpoints from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the weekly Torah portion

    Lightpoints is a collection of uplifting, authentic and concise insights from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Torah. These meticulously selected insights, many adapted here into English for the first time, were originally published indivually each weekday in print and email, and enthusiastically received by thousands of people from all segments of the international Jewish community.

    This collection aims to provide the English-speaking community with a taste of the Rebbe's vast contributions to Jewish scholarship. Some Lightpoints focus more on the Torah and its commentaries; others highlight the relevance of the Torah's lessons in our day and age. As their name indicates, the Lightpoints are intended to be short and easy to read, but more importantly, they are points of light to illuminate our perspective on the Torah, and direct us along the Torah's path of truth and holiness that guides our lives.

    Hardcover | 688 Pages

  8. Jaffa Edition Mid-Size Chumash [Hebrew]

    The Torah with Onkelos, Rashi, Baal HaTurim, and Ikkar Sifsei Chachamim; The Haftaros and Five Megillos


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