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  • 9781932443417.JPG 9781932443417.JPG

Boruch Learns His Brochos (Hardcover)

Quick Overview

ISBN 13: 9781932443417

ISBN: 193244341X


Availability: Out of stock



Wait, little friend... STOP! Don't take another bite! Yes, I mean you, the boy or girl who's about to munch on that cake or sandwich or fruit or any other kind of food or drink. Do you know the correct brocho to say before you sink your eager teeth into that yummy treat?

Aha!! You say you're not exactly sure? You don't quite remember if it grows on the ground, in a tree, or maybe nowhere at all?

Well, then, this book is for you! In it, our hero Boruch finds out all there is to know about the brochos of many of his favorite foods during a visit to Tzvi's fantastic Brochos Grocery, and by meeting his menagerie of funny foods and friends.

This full-color, illustrated version of Boruch Learns His Brochos follows the format of the original audio production first produced by Rabbi Shmuel Kunda in 1982. It has been an all time children's classic ever since.

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