• The Powerful Tongue - Comics

The Powerful Tongue - Comics

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  • $25.50

Dear Readers!

Join us on a dramatic and frightening journey as we follow Ibrahim, the successful Arab merchant, and his loyal assistant Chananya.

We will walk through the ancient streets of Yemen, as they appeared 350 years ago. We'll visit the city Taiz and travel to the capital city Sanaa, before heading back with Ibrahim to his hometown. A number of shocking events will befall us along the way, some devastating and others worth celebrating.

Chananya will remind us time and again that everything is from Hashem and that we can trust Him to take care of us in all situations. When Ibrahim's fortune disappears without leaving a trace, who will help him recover his wealth? Will he go to the foolish khadis who greedily take his money and give him empty promises in return? Or will he listen to Chananya's advice and consult the Chacham whose Torah wisdom offers the only solution? Will the awful verdict be carried out? Will the Chacham's tongue be chopped off, as per the Imam's wicked command?

So many questions! Join us as we follow Chananya through the suspenseful twists and turns of this exciting journey, and you'll pick up everlasting lessons along the way!

Hardcover | 70 pages | 13.5" x 9.5"

ISBN 9781680915907

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