Shlomo Katz Live In Melbourne, Double CD

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  • $16.00

Originating from a family of musicians, Shlomo Katz has composed many beautiful songs and niggunim. Shlomo has released five CDs, and held concerts all over the world. Every time he performs, Shlomo inspires his audiences with beautiful divrei Torah and inspiring stories. In Israel he teaches his students both Nigleh and Chassidus.

With so many popular niggunim out there by Shlomo, he felt it was time to put out a recording that featured these beautiful and inspiring melodies in one collection. This live, double CD features popular songs such as VeHacohanim, Niggun Neshama, Niggun Nevo, Shabbos Kodesh & other soul lifting tracks. There are also two new unknown niggunim of Reb Shlomo Carlebach ztz'l.
Publisher SOLO

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