• Ohel 2011, DVD & CD

Ohel 2011, DVD & CD

  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $25.00

Shrouded in mystery from its earliest moments, OHEL 5772 The Music We Love, was one of the most highly anticipated concerts of the year. The Music We Love was music at its best as an energetic lineup of performers delivered one electric performance after another, featuring performances by some of the freshest faces in Jewish music, including 8th Day, Benny Friedman, Shloime Gertner, Eitan Katz, Michoel Pruzansky and Shalsheles Jr.

The concert also featured international superstar Yishai Lapidot and an unforgettable performance by Rivie Schwebel with his sons, Eli and Avrumi. Arranged and Conducted By Avremi G, Shot in multi-angle, true HD footage, and recorded live in high quality audio format, the stunning quality of the production offers an entirely new perspective on live concert DVD's.

Leveraging the most current techniques in audio and visual post production, Sheer Productions was able to deliver a first rate product for all to enjoy.
Publisher CONCERT

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