• The Story of the Chasam Sofer

The Story of the Chasam Sofer

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  • $14.50

As head of the famous Pressburg Yeshivah, and one of the greatest Torah giants of our history, the Chasam Sofer was known for his brilliance in Torah, his strong leadership, and the enormous love he had for Hashem and the Jewish people. He fought fiercely to protect Torah-true Yiddishkeit from being trampled by the Reformers of his generation, just as he fought to protect the well-being of every single Jew.

In The Story of the Chasam Sofer, geared specifically for junior readers, you will be touched by this tzaddik's compassionate wisdom when fire and war threatened the Jews in his community. You will be awed by the miracles that took place by the Chasam Sofer's word. And you will be inspired by the holiness of a gadol whose greatness is truly beyond comparison.


Hardcover / 152 pages

ISBN 978-1-60091-590-1

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