• Project X Chassidishe Ta'Am, CD

Project X Chassidishe Ta'Am, CD

  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $16.00

The famed series has in the past features stellar talents like Lipa Schmeltzer & Shloimy Daskal. Briskman reveals that "Project X" is returning. This time with famed chassidic singer Areleh Samet. The album carries a bunch of Hasidic songs as well as new hits alongside nostalgic and loved ones. The album will feature classic Chassidic melodies alongside recent hits from Yaakov Shwekey, Avraham Fried and Lipa among others. All of the amazing arrangements were arranged by Yanky Briskman. The album was produced, as mentioned, the producer Yochi Briskman, and mixed by Liron Shaffer.

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