• Creation of the World - Paperback

Creation of the World - Paperback

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  • $9.50


To answer this question, we must look into the Torah, where all the secrets of the world are revealed to those who know how to find them. And now, through the teachings of Chassidus, even a child can know the answer! Torah is God's way of letting us get to know Him personally - His thoughts, His feelings, His secret desires. For this reason, we have undertaken to write a book for children from Hashem's point of view, using the insights of our holy Rebbes. The Torah is not just a book. Torah is God's diary, and everything inside it comes from Him

-Rabbi Manis Friedman

This book is so beautifully written. It is the first one I've seen that takes the profound ideas of Chassidus and makes them truly accessible for children in a smooth, child-friendly style.

-Rebbetzin Sussie Denebeim, Educator, Chabad of Palm Springs, CA


ISBN 9798985447705
Publisher It's Good To Know

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